9 Tips For Healthy Smartphone Battery

Since a mobile phone can’t function without a charged battery, its usefulness is roughly correlated to its battery life. But while most of us use protective cases to keep our phones safe, we don’t appear to make as much of an effort to prolong the life of our phone batteries. Hence, we have a few tips that can help with your phone’s battery. 

Removing the mobile from charge after its 100%

One frequent error is that we continue to use the charger even after the battery has been fully recharged. Even if there is no overcharging issue in this instance, there is a greater likelihood that the battery life will be shortened if the charger is left on for more extended periods of time after the battery has been fully charged.

Closing background apps 

Numerous programs keep running in the background even after you think you’ve closed them. For instance, GPS-based applications that track your location, like a map app or a game like Pokémon GO, put a massive burden on battery life and can keep operating even after you think you’ve finished using them.

Avoid waiting for the battery to get 0%


All day, keep your mobile charged. The number of times your phone’s battery can be charged is fixed. If your battery, for instance, has a lifespan of 400 charging cycles, letting it discharge every day will result in its demise after just 400 days. Your battery will last longer if you top it off before it runs out entirely because fewer overall charging cycles will be required.

Clean your battery ports 

Keep your device’s ports where the charger connects clean. Limit your outdoor usage in chilly temperatures, and don’t let your gadget become heated above 95 degrees Fahrenheit. You can think about bringing an extra battery that you can swap in when you require more certainty or to give your hot battery a break.

Keep your battery saver on 

As soon as power saving mode is activated, networking, syncing, and location services are disabled, and the screen’s refresh rate decreases. To further tailor the feature and extend battery life, we may disable the Always-on Display, restrict CPU speed to 70%, or reduce the brightness by 10% by selecting Power saving mode.

Avoid using excess fast-charging 

Fast charging is an incredible convenience and a cutting-edge feature of modern technology, but that doesn’t automatically imply it’s suitable for your mobile battery. Fast charging puts a lot of demand on your battery, so if you do it frequently, you run the risk of a smartphone battery health issue.

Decrease screen brightness 

The part of a mobile that often utilizes the most battery is the screen. Energy can be saved by reducing screen brightness. Although it requires more work from the light sensor, using Auto Brightness likely saves power for most users by automatically lowering screen brightness when there is less light.

Don’t keep your location services running 

GPS and other location-tracking tools significantly deplete the battery life of your phone. Therefore, to preserve the battery life of your phone, it is advised to disable the “location” option from the “Settings” menu. Other components like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth can drain your phone’s battery more quickly. You can permanently disable all of these features to improve the battery life of your phone.

Avoid using the phone while charging 

Avoid using the phone while it is charging in general. This type of usage is known as parasitic charging, and it may be highly harmful. Small usage loads prevent the battery from starting its entire charging cycle, which harms the battery. 

Keep away from heat

Keep in mind that using your phone or battery in direct sunlight or placing it next to a heat source are also bad ideas. Your battery life will remain strong away from heat.
