For most people, investment plans are a must if they want to have a secure financial future. As the Coronavirus pandemic highlighted, a steady economy may be turned on its head in a second, leaving individuals who were unprepared for difficult times running for money. Lets all enter 2022, with better economic planning to secure ourselves in times of crisis.
What are the greatest investments for investors to make this year, with bond and Certificates of Deposits yields so low, some assets are at astronomical values, and the economy battling with rising inflation? One strategy is to invest in a combination of safer and riskier, higher-return investments, this way the risk is diversified over many plans.
Investment plans may give you a second source of income, help you save for retirement, and even get you out of debt. Above all, investing in investment plans helps you achieve your financial goals by growing your purchasing power over time. Perhaps you’ve recently sold your home or received a fortune. Allowing your money to work for you is always a good option.
So, let us now see the best 5 Investment Plans in 2022.
Best Investment Plans in 2022
- High-yield Savings Account
On your cash balance, a high-yield online savings account gives you interest. High-yield internet savings accounts are accessible vehicles for your money, just like a savings account earning pennies at your local bank. Online banks generally provide substantially higher interest rates due to lower overhead costs. Plus, you can usually get your hands on the money by transferring it to your primary bank or via an ATM.
Best for: A high-yield savings account is excellent for risk-averse investors, especially those who need money quickly and don’t want to chance losing it.
- Short-term Certificates of Deposit
Banks issue certificates of deposit, or CDs, which often pay a greater interest rate than savings accounts. When rates are expected to rise, short-term CDs may be a better alternative, allowing you to reinvest at greater rates when the CD matures.
The maturity dates for these federally-insured time deposits might range from a few weeks to several years. Since they are “time deposits,” you can only take the money out after a certain amount of time has passed.
The financial institution pays you interest on a CD at set intervals. When it matures, you will receive your original principal plus any interest that has accrued. It pays to shop around for the best deals online.
Best for: A CD is ideal for risk-averse investors, especially those who require money at a specific time and are willing to tie up their money in exchange for a higher rate of return than a savings account.
- Short-term Government Bond Funds
Government bond funds are mutual funds or exchange-traded funds that invest in debt securities issued by the government of the United States and its agencies. Short-term government bond funds, like short-term CDs, don’t expose you to much danger if interest rates rise, as they are predicted to do in 2022.
The funds put their money into US government debt and mortgage-backed securities issued by government-sponsored firms like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These government bond funds are ideal for investors who are looking for a low-risk investment.
Best for: For risk-averse investors, government bond funds may be a good option, while some types of funds (such as long-term bond funds) may vary far more than short-term funds owing to interest rate changes.
- Series I Bonds
Individual investors can buy savings bonds from the US Treasury, and the Series I bond is a good option for 2022. This bond helps in the formation of inflation protection. It pays a base interest rate and then adds an inflation-adjusted component. As a result, as inflation rises, the payout grows as well. The opposite is also true: as inflation falls, so does the interest rate. Every six months, the inflation adjustment is reset.
Best for: Series I bonds, like other government-issued debt, appeal to risk-averse investors who do not want to risk default. These bonds are also a smart choice for investors looking to protect their money from inflation. However, investors are limited to purchasing $10,000 in a calendar year, though you can use up to $5,000 of your annual tax refund to acquire Series I bonds as well.
Corporations often raise funds by issuing bonds to investors, which can then be combined into bond funds that own bonds issued by dozens of different companies. The average maturity of short-term bonds is one to five years, making them less subject to interest rate fluctuations than intermediate- or long-term bonds.
Investors searching for cash flow, such as retirees, or those who wish to minimize their overall portfolio risk while still earning a return, can consider corporate bond funds.
Best for: Risk-averse investors seeking a higher yield than government bond funds may benefit from short-term corporate bond funds.