Sunil Chhetri, the captain of India and an idol for Bengaluru FC, recently gave an interview for the exclusive show “In the Stands” that was produced by the Hero Indian Super League (ISL). In the interview, Chhetri expressed his joy at the path that his playing career has gone.
Sunil Chhetri, the captain of India’s national team, has played in the international game for 18 years and scored 92 goals since making his debut in that competition. Looking back on his career, he acknowledges that he could not have written it the way it has played out. The 38-year-old player, who has guided the Blue Tigers to victory in the Intercontinental Cup and the SAFF Championship, is thankful for the affection and support he receives from supporters. The Blue Tigers have won the Intercontinental Cup and the SAFF Championship.
Chhetri expresses his happiness at the direction his career has taken in an interview with the show “In The Stands,” which is broadcast on the Hero Indian Super League (ISL). While he has been successful in a number of clubs in India and elsewhere in the world, it is his unbreakable connection to India’s national team that continues to endear him to fans no matter where he plays.
Chhetri makes a remark that demonstrates his humility by pointing out that if he had been given a blank book in which to write his ideal life, the results would not have been the same as they have been. He considers it an absolute honor to be where he is and feels blessed for the years he has played, his achievements, and the people he has shared the dressing room with.
“If someone had handed me a book and asked me to write down my ideal life back then, there’s a good chance that I wouldn’t have written it down in the same way that it’s actually turned out to be.” I say this with the utmost sense of modesty. Being who I am is unequivocally a blessing and an honour in and of itself. I am profoundly blessed. The number of years I have played, the number of things I have achieved, the people I have shared the dressing room with, it’s an unbelievable feat. “For that, I owe a great deal of gratitude to a lot of different people,” the talisman of Bengaluru FC remarked.
“I am Sunil Chhetri. There’s only one and I am living an absolute dream,” he further quipped.
Chhetri acknowledges that, despite the kindness shown to him, he is nevertheless intimidated by prominent people from various walks of life and fields of endeavour. He admires the bravery of his followers who approach him to strike up talks, and he mentions meeting sports icons such as Mary Kom, Neeraj Chopra, and cricket superstar Sachin Tendulkar, in addition to senior actor Amitabh Bachchan.
When I finally do meet Mary Kom, she will be aware that a fan has travelled to see her in person. I met Neeraj Chopra. It goes without saying that he is incredibly kind, and he shows the same feelings in return. When I initially saw Mr. Bachchan, I was a little nervous, but eventually I worked up the courage to go up to him and tell him that I am a huge fan of his work. When I first met Sachin Tendulkar, I remember feeling a little uneasy about the situation. A football competition had both of us both invited as the tournament’s principal guests. He was being very nice and it’s not often that I am short of words but I was a little hesitant to tell him exactly what a big deal he is for me and the whole country,” Chhetri revealed.
Chhetri and the Indian cricket sensation Virat Kohli are both from the city of Delhi, and their careers have followed very similar paths. Chhetri has revealed that he has a deep connection with Kohli. They stress the significance of adhering to a stringent diet and set a good example for others by keeping exceptionally high levels of physical condition. Chhetri also reveals that he has had significant conversations with Kohli on coping with pressure and expectations. Chhetri says that these conversations have been very helpful.
“Most of the time, we just talk about everyday things. We share a lot of laughter. We laugh at each other’s jokes and at the various amusing things that we exchange. Many of our conversations have been profound and thought-provoking. It’s not like we communicate nonstop all day, every day. There are times when months go by without us communicating, but the fact that he understands and that I do as well is the nicest thing about it. On the other hand, we pick off right where we left off before. The few times that both he and I have felt the heat of who we are and the desire to perform, which is exactly when we have chatted, are the same few times that I have felt the heat of who I am and the need to perform. “It just hits the right note because he realises that not everyone is able to understand what we are going through, and he knows that,” he explained.