Gautam Adani is now the 24th richest person in the world. Find out how much he is worth right now.

Gautam Adani

Gautam Adani is now ranked 24th on the list of the world’s richest people. This is because of the ongoing dispute over the bad report about the Group by the US-based short seller Hindenburg Research. Due to the ongoing controversy over the damaging research by US-based short seller Hindenburg Research against the Adani Group, Gautam … Read more

Gautam Adani loses over $8 billion in net worth and drops out of the top 10 list of richest people.

Gautam Adani

As shares of listed Adani Group firms moved sharply to the downside, Gautam Adani’s net worth continued to suffer. The business tycoon lost $8.21 billion on Monday, dropping from seventh to eleventh on the Forbes Billionaires list after having previously been in seventh place. The richest Indian and Asian in the world, billionaire Gautam Adani, … Read more
