The Goa-Hyderabad SpiceJet flight had a close call on Wednesday after smoke filled the cabin mid-flight, prompting a “full emergency landing” in Hyderabad. The DGCA has ordered an investigation into the incident. SpiceJet insisted that the “Q400 aircraft landed safely at its destination on October 12” and that “all passengers were safely disembarked” despite withholding information regarding the cause of the smoke.
According to airport sources, one traveler was hurt and was taken urgently to the medical facility at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport. “She had a minor injury and complained of breathlessness. She was later shifted to a private hospital in Jubilee Hills for some time before being discharged,” a source said.
Passengers recounted the experience inside SG 3735 and stated they were terrified for their life. “They (the crew members) told us to pray to God… pray for our families… It was mortifying. Many of my co-passengers panicked and started shrieking,” said Srikanth M, an IT professional from Hyderabad, sharing photographs and videos taken inside the aircraft. He was on his first-ever air trip with friends.
The 50% cap on SpiceJet flights had recently been extended by another month by the DGCA. According to reports, the airline has experienced at least eight problems with aircraft this year.
“Something happened in the washroom. We heard the crew talk in hushed tones. In another 20 minutes, there was smoke all around us,” said Anil P, a private company employee. “Soon, the lights came on and the crew asked us to stop talking, not to leave our seats.” Another flyer said the crew asked people to “jump and run” as soon as the emergency doors opened on landing. “The airline staff forced us to delete videos and photos of the incident… they snatched my phone when I refused,” said Srikanth.
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